Our family from Altea started early sending us tiny little clothes for Marc almost immediately after we announced Lily was pregnant, it was a great surprise!
Our friends in Chicago followed shortly during our home warming party and kind-of-but-not-quite baby shower: clothes, gift cards... and even the coolest running stroller ever which Papa Miguel and Marc will use heavily putting miles on it by Lake Michigan!
Our family from Altea also sent us a big money gift which was enough to pay for everything we've had to buy so far: crib, stroller, car seat, bouncer, etc, etc, etc
Our family from China sent us cool clothes that will keep Marc warm through the long Chicago winter.
Yesterday we got one more package from Altea with all sorts of cool things for Marc...
There go a couple of pictures, we really appreciate every body's love and support during these last few months, it feels good to know so many people around the world care for us.
Once again a big THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!